Kristen Schlueter
Preschool Teacher
Our teachers have a deep love for children and families, and are committed to helping your child grow emotionally, physically, socially, and cognitively.
We prepare your child for Kindergarten with a focus on early reading and math skills, science, art, social-emotional skills, fine and gross motor activity, dramatic play, hands-on manipulatives and block play, and engaging circle time activities.
We use Teaching Strategies Gold to monitor your child’s development in each area of the curriculum & to plan lessons & activities that meet the individual and group needs of our class.
Our philosophy at New Covenant Academy is to provide the Larkspur community with a high quality early childhood education program for children ages 3-5. We emphasize hands-on experiences in a loving environment that is safe, predictable, positive, rewarding, and supportive.
Our goal is to provide interactions and experiences that will help children to develop socially, emotionally, physically, and cognitively; to develop problem solving and conflict resolution skills; and to develop independence and responsibility as a member of the preschool community.
We are a Universal PreK provider!
All 4 year old children in Colorado are eligible for at least 10 hours of free preschool. Some are eligible for even more. Visit to find out more information and to register with us!
Besides health benefits, gross motor activities are critical for the physical development of young children. At NCA, we provide both indoor and outdoor physical activities and play time twice a day.
Early reading skills are important to acquire as a preschooler and phonemic awareness is a key predictor of reading success in Kindergarten. We teach phonemic awareness skills every day at NCA!
Our preschoolers explore a variety of hands-on math materials to learn early numerical fluency skills like one-to-one correspondence, sizes, shapes, patterns, number recognition, and counting.
At NCA, we provide activities and experiences to help children develop positive relationships, regulate their emotions, and feel confident in their abilities.
Children develop the ability to observe and gather information about the natural and physical environment including living things. They learn to make predictions, connections, and generalizations.
Our preschoolers participate in daily activities that encourage imagination and creativity using a variety of mediums including art and music.
Preschool Teacher
Program Coordinator/Lead Teacher
School Director